La Fondation motrice lance un appel à projet pour 2008. L'enfant et l'adulte Infirme Moteur Cérébral - Paralysie Cérébrale-
Est éligible, tout projet de recherche fondamentale, appliquée ou technologique permettant une avancée dans la compréhension, la prévention, les thérapeutiques, la rééducation et la réadaptation. Plus de renseignements sur le site de la Fondation Motrice
mardi 4 mars 2008
PEDro update mars 2008
Voilà les nouvelles de PEDro au 3 march 2008.
PEDro contient 12,343 références qui se décomposent ainsi:
- 10,262 essais contrôlés randomisés (9,094 ont un score confirmé par un second évaluateur. Le score utilisé est l'échelle de PEDro);
- 1,629 revues systématiques;
- 383 recommandations de pratique clinique "evidence-based clinical practice guidelines";
- 69 sont enregistrées à la fois comme revues systématiques et recommandations de pratiques cliniques.
- 10,262 essais contrôlés randomisés (9,094 ont un score confirmé par un second évaluateur. Le score utilisé est l'échelle de PEDro);
- 1,629 revues systématiques;
- 383 recommandations de pratique clinique "evidence-based clinical practice guidelines";
- 69 sont enregistrées à la fois comme revues systématiques et recommandations de pratiques cliniques.
Pour 2008, pas de nouvelles recommandations entrées. Il y a 9 revues systématiques portant sur:
- Adherence to exercise training in heart failure: a review
- A systematic review of low back pain cost of illness studies in the United States and internationally
- Is dynamic exercise beneficial in patients with rheumatoid arthritis?
- Physical therapy interventions for patients with osteoarthritis of the knee: an overview of systematic reviews
- Massage therapy for the treatment of depression: a systematic review
- Tai Chi for osteoporosis: a systematic review
- Physical therapy in the management of women with chronic pelvic pain [with consumer summary]
- Patellar taping and bracing for the treatment of chronic knee pain: a systematic review and meta-analysis
- Surgical versus non-surgical treatment of chronic low back pain: a meta-analysis of randomised trials
Testez-vous et essayez de trouver l'article sur le massage et dépression qui est en accès libre
Libellés :
lundi 3 mars 2008
Quels sont les freins à l'utilisation de l'EBP ?
Une étude réalisée par L'Université de La Trobe et publiée dans Physiotherapy Research International (PHYSIOTHER RES INT), 2006; 11(2): 93-103, montre que les principaux freins à la diffusion de l'EBP en kinésithérapie sont:
- le temps disponible;
- l'accès à des résumés facilement compréhensibles sur l'EBP;
- l'accès aux journaux;
- le manque de compétence pour chercher et évaluer les informations EBP.
Défi EBP-Kiné 2008

Description :
Sous l'égide du site EBP-kiné, une bourse d’aide au projet de 600 euros sera offerte au projet le plus innovant en kinésithérapie factuelle. Cette bourse sera reconduite tous les ans.
Il peut récompenser tout projet individuel ou collectif.
Bénéficiaires :
Porteurs de projets individuels ou collectifs diplômés en kinésithérapie.
Prix :
Le montant de la bourse est de 600 €.
Modalités de participation :
Les projets doivent être soumis au plus tard le 31 octobre 2008. Les résultats seront publiés avant le 31 décembre 2008.
Votre projet doit obligatoirement comporter un volet mettant en avant la kinésithérapie basée sur les preuves ou kinésithérapie factuelle (Evidence Based Practice), et doit avoir une dimension d'intérêt pratique pour la kinésithérapie.
Il vous faudra présenter votre dossier par l’intermédiaire du site EBP-Kiné. Votre projet sera accessible au public par Internet. Les commentaires du public seront possibles sur ce projet. Un jury de professionnel reconnu pour leurs compétences en EBP évaluera les projets et désignera les lauréats selon les critères : qualité méthodologique, originalité, faisabilité, intérêts pratiques.
L’obtention de la bourse sous-tend que le lauréat devra communiquer dans une revue professionnelle les résultats de ces travaux et préciser qu’il a bénéficié de la bourse EBP-kiné.
Reconduction :
Cette bourse sera renouvelée chaque année, sauf mention explicite sur le site EBP-kiné. Les candidats ayant échoués une année pourront se représenter les années suivantes.
Renseignements :
Les dossiers sont à télécharger sur ce lien
Des renseignements peuvent être obtenus à l’adresse e-mail :
Promoteur : Pierre Trudelle
Enquête sur le stretching: Appels de sujet

Dear colleagues and friends,
I am writing to ask for your assistance with a major research project examining effects of stretching before and after physical activity.
We are now recruiting people to participate in a large internet-based trial. The trial will determine whether stretching before and after physical activity reduces muscle soreness, reduces risk of injury, and makes people feel "looser" when they exercise. People who are interested in participating can visit the trial web site (, where they are asked a series of screening questions. If they are eligible to participate they are allocated to either a stretch group or a control group that does not stretch, and they are asked to either stretch or not stretch before and after physical activity for the next 12 weeks. Each week participants are sent an email message reminding them to visit the trial web site and enter details about whether they have experienced an injury, how much muscle soreness they have, and so on. More details of the study are available at the trial we site, and at the Australian and New Zealand Clinical Trials Register (
I am asking for your assistance in two ways.
First, please consider participating in the study yourself. You are eligible to participate if you usually engage in some sort of exercise or vigorous physical activity at least once per week, if you are prepared to either stretch or not sretch before and after physical activity for a 12 week period, and if you satisfy some other criteria, such as having access to the internet, and regularly access your email. If you are interested in participating please visit the trial web site at
Second, please send this message to everyone you know - friends, relatives and work colleagues - and ask them to forward the message on to everyone they know too. The trial is open to everyone who satisfies the inclusion criteria, regardless of what country they live in, so if you have friends, relatives or colleagues in other other countries send the message to them as well. (Participants must, however, be able to read and write English or Norwegian.) The success of the project will rely on having an adequate number of participants, so we are relying on friends and colleagues to get the word out! People interested in participating in the study should visit
Please send queries to, rather than to my personal email address.
Thank you for your crucial assistance with this research.
Rob Herbert
Dr Rob Herbert
NHMRC Senior Research Fellow
Associate Professor, Discipline of Physiotherapy
Director, Centre for Evidence-Based Physiotherapy
University of Sydney
+612 9351 9380,
I am writing to ask for your assistance with a major research project examining effects of stretching before and after physical activity.
We are now recruiting people to participate in a large internet-based trial. The trial will determine whether stretching before and after physical activity reduces muscle soreness, reduces risk of injury, and makes people feel "looser" when they exercise. People who are interested in participating can visit the trial web site (, where they are asked a series of screening questions. If they are eligible to participate they are allocated to either a stretch group or a control group that does not stretch, and they are asked to either stretch or not stretch before and after physical activity for the next 12 weeks. Each week participants are sent an email message reminding them to visit the trial web site and enter details about whether they have experienced an injury, how much muscle soreness they have, and so on. More details of the study are available at the trial we site, and at the Australian and New Zealand Clinical Trials Register (
I am asking for your assistance in two ways.
First, please consider participating in the study yourself. You are eligible to participate if you usually engage in some sort of exercise or vigorous physical activity at least once per week, if you are prepared to either stretch or not sretch before and after physical activity for a 12 week period, and if you satisfy some other criteria, such as having access to the internet, and regularly access your email. If you are interested in participating please visit the trial web site at
Second, please send this message to everyone you know - friends, relatives and work colleagues - and ask them to forward the message on to everyone they know too. The trial is open to everyone who satisfies the inclusion criteria, regardless of what country they live in, so if you have friends, relatives or colleagues in other other countries send the message to them as well. (Participants must, however, be able to read and write English or Norwegian.) The success of the project will rely on having an adequate number of participants, so we are relying on friends and colleagues to get the word out! People interested in participating in the study should visit
Please send queries to, rather than to my personal email address.
Thank you for your crucial assistance with this research.
Rob Herbert
Dr Rob Herbert
NHMRC Senior Research Fellow
Associate Professor, Discipline of Physiotherapy
Director, Centre for Evidence-Based Physiotherapy
University of Sydney
+612 9351 9380,
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